A Convergence AI Mixer: Disarming Disinformation with AI
Boerhaave Museum Lange Sint Agnietenstraat 10, LeidenThe Convergence AI brings together the brightest minds from TU Delft, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Leiden University
HCAIS Deep Dive: A Crowd Computing Perspective
Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, DelftJoin TU Delft assistant-professors Dr. Ujwal Gadiraju, Dr. Jie Yang, and the HCAIS Community with Mondai |
AI Lab Lunch: 3DUU Lab & AI*MAN
Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, DelftThe Delft AI Lab Lunch is a monthly meet-up hosted for and by TU Delft AI Labs
AI Meet Up: Ethics and AI
Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, DelftAI Meetup to provide attendees with inspiring new research, insights in AI, and networking opportunities!
Design for AI Symposium
Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, DelftWe welcome you to the first European Design for AI Symposium! The TU Delft Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) faculty
AI Lab Lunch: CHEME AI Lab & D@S Lab
Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, DelftDuring this AI Lab Lunch the CHEME AI Lab and the D@S Lab will present themselves and their latest developments!
AI Meet Up: AI for Bioscience
Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, DelftAI for Bioscience Bio-technology is a growth area which can benefit Dutch society and stakeholders internationally. This
Mondai SME Inspiration Session
Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, DelftWe at TU Delft want to inspire you and your organization with opportunities that lie ahead by
Update session European AI Act
Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, DelftThe Dutch AI Coalition (NLAIC), the AI Hub Zuid-Holland and Mondai House of AI happily invite you
AI Lab Lunch: CityAI Lab & HERALD Lab
Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, DelftDuring this AI Lab Lunch the CityAI Lab and HERALD will present themselves and their latest developments! The CityAI Lab is the
Alice and Eve: Celebrating Women in Computing
Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, DelftWelcome to the free one-day event for celebrating women studying and working in computing! Alice & Eve