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Fast-Tracking Climate Resilience with AI – a Stakeholder Discussion

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

Quickly, AI is starting to define all our industries - but we wonder if it can also help us solve the bigger societal issues we are facing. Especially in the Netherlands, the threat of climate change worries us all. Can AI help us change its course? Or help us adapt to what it changes?

Data Sharing Seminar: Openness of Data Platforms

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

All digital businesses produce data. With data platforms they facilitate in the exchange of this data. When opened up, these data platforms could reduce the dependency on AI owned by big tech. But, can we open up data platforms while safeguarding quality, sovereignty and control over data?

Checking the AI Hype – iTanks Hype Cycle

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

(This event will be held in Dutch) "Digital developments are rapidly succeeding each other and are also increasingly

AI Meet Up: AI for Healthcare

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

In this fourth TU Delft AI Meet Up we will take a closer look at AI for Healthcare. Together with Dr. Tom van Riet (Amsterdam UMC) who will give insight into how innovative classification modelling is used to improve our health. And dr. Himanshu Verma, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE), TU Delft.

AI Lab Lunch: MACHINA Lab & SLIMM Lab

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

During this AI Lab Lunch the MACHINA Lab and the SLIMM Lab will present themselves and their latest developments.

VNO-NCW Delft @ Mondai | House of AI

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

  On 11 April, Mondai | House of AI is pleased to invite members of VNO-NCW Delft to

AI Meet Up: AI for Mobility

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

In this fifth TU Delft AI Meet Up we will take a closer look at AI for Mobility. Together with Bob Huisman (NS) and Prof. Dr. Mathijs de Weerdt (TU Delft, EEMCS).

AI Lab Lunch: AiBLE Lab & AiDAPT Lab

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

During this AI Lab Lunch the AiBLE Lab and the AiDAPT Lab will present themselves and their latest developments.

The Dutch UNconference AI

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

Mondai | House of AI is pleased to host the Dutch UNconference AI in collaboration with InnovationQuarter, NL AIC and Yes!Delft. The first Dutch UNconference on AI is a valuable event where startup founders and CTOs in the AI space can build new connections with their peers, share their challenges and successes, and accelerate their learning progress.

AI for Crisis Response and Climate Security

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

In this workshop, the aim is to unpack the main opportunities, challenges, and to explore the ways forward to design, develop and use AI for Crisis Response and Climate security.