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AI Lab Lunch: MACHINA Lab & SLIMM Lab

Maart 23, 2023 - 12:00 - 13:30

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In deze AI Lab Lunch presenteren het MACHINA Lab en het SLIMM Lab zichzelf en hun laatste ontwikkelingen!

(De voertaal van dit evenement is Engels)

The MACHINA Lab (Machine Intelligence Advances for Materials) focuses on different aspects of the data-driven process, including speeding up material simulations, as well as exploring new machine learning and optimisation methods that facilitate analysis and design. Currently, these new algorithms are being used to design environmentally friendly plastics and metamaterials for biological applications, i.e. materials with exotic properties (such as supercompressibility) that emerge from exploring new geometries and new combinations of constituents.

The SLIMM lab (AI for Smart Materials Modelling) aims to facilitate virtual material testing across the scales by combining Bayesian machine learning and multiscale solid mechanics into new smart material models and learning frameworks. Materials of the future will rely on nanostructures painstakingly tailored to design constraints and reach unprecedented levels of performance. In order to design these new materials, accurate simulations of material behavior across the scales are needed.

Note for TU Delft PhDs
Per 4 seminars from the AI (-related) seminar series: Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence Systems (HCAIS) Deep Dive; and Delft AI Lab Lunches, PhD candidates from partaking TU Delft faculties can earn 0.5 GSC for up to 1.5 GSC (category: Discipline Related Skills). Check with your local Faculty Graduate School if they offer this option for earning GSC; and with your supervisors if they accept our seminars on your Doctoral Education list. If you already have form, don’t forget to bring it with you

AI Lab Lunch Serie
De Delft AI Lab Lunch is een maandelijkse meet-up georganiseerd voor en door de TU Delft AI Labs & Talent gemeenschap. Elke maand presenteren twee Delft AI Labs hun werk en bespreken zij uitdagingen en ontwikkelingen in hun vakgebied. Tijdens deze evenementen kun je deelnemen, leren, connecties maken, inspireren en geïnspireerd worden door en met de Delft AI Labs. We nodigen iedereen die in AI geïnteresseerd is uit om mee te doen!

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