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Dutch Post-CHI 2023 Event

Juli 7, 2023 - 10:00 - 18:00

We are happy to host the Dutch Post-CHI 2023 Event!

What is this Dutch Post-CHI event?
Following the global spirit of meeting fellow HCI folks within a local region, this year CHI NL aims at bringing the HCI community in the Netherlands together after CHI 2023. The goal is to provide an opportunity for researchers to present and discuss their accepted CHI 2023 works in a smaller and cozier manner than what the enormity and madness of the CHI ship allows. We are currently still developing the program, but this will include:

– CHI 2023 presentations / posters / demos
– Keynote by a surprise guest
– HCI outreach talks (on topics related to CHI Netherlands, trends within CHI, industry focus, etc.)
– Informal social chat and networking + borrel!

Join us for a full day event of exciting CHI 2023 talks, networking, and collective reflection with fellow HCI researchers in the Netherlands. Everyone from students to professors to industry practitioners to artists is welcome.

How to participate
Anyone is free to attend, without being required to submit or present anything.

If you wish to present, your presentation(s) can be informal, and we won’t ask you to invest any extra effort on top of what you have already done for the CHI conference. Feel free to re-use existing slides or a poster, or just free-form talk about your work and answer questions.

Accepted CHI 2023 Contributions

The annual ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems was held in Hamburg, Germany from April 23–28. As always there are contributions from around the world, including authors with affiliations in the Netherlands. You can find all the accepted contributions from Dutch universities below.

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