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AI Lab Lunch: HIPPO Lab & AI DeMoS Lab

Januari 19, 2023 - 12:00 - 13:30

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In deze AI Lab Lunch presenteren het HIPPO Lab en het AI DeMoS Lab zichzelf en hun laatste ontwikkelingen.

(De voertaal van dit event is Engels)

The HIPPO Lab is all about AI for fair, efficient, and interpretable policy analysis. To make a real impact, AI techniques must consider all stakeholders, and that includes minimizing conflict and protecting vulnerable groups. This is why the HIPPO Lab is developing next generation, nature-inspired and hyper-heuristic optimisation methods – the methods that can capture conflicts across multiple sectors, regions and generations. They use AI-based decision support for addressing complex real-world problems such as climate change mitigation and adaptation.


The AI DeMoS Lab focuses on developing AI for democracy. Two questions are key: for this lab: how does AI facilitate our practice of democracy and the way we understand it; and how can we facilitate the responsible design and use of AI systems for a meaningful democratic engagement? The AI DeMoS Lab contributes to the development of multimodal AI systems that foster deliberation and critical engagement by citizens. This will enable people to take informed decisions under the conditions of the very same deep uncertainty that these AI developments bring forth.

AI Lab Lunch
The Delft AI Lab Lunch is a monthly meet-up hosted for and by the TU Delft AI Labs & Talent community. Every month, two Delft AI Labs present their work and discuss challenges and developments made in their field. During these events, you can participate, learn, make connections, inspire and be inspired by and with the Delft AI Labs. We invite all those interested in AI to join!

Voor TU Delft PhDs
Per 4 seminars uit de AI (-gerelateerde) seminarreeksen: Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence Systems (HCAIS) Deep Dive en Delft AI Lab Lunches, kunnen promovendi van deelnemende TU Delft faculteiten 0,5 GSC verdienen tot maximaal 1,5 GSC (categorie: Discipline Related Skills). Informeer bij de Graduate School van jouw faculteit of zij deze mogelijkheid bieden om GSC te verdienen; en bij jouw promotoren of zij onze seminars accepteren op jouw Doctoral Education lijst. Als je al een van onze AI-gerelateerde seminars hebt bijgewoond, vergeet dan niet je formulier mee te nemen.

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