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HCAIS presents: Margaret Mitchell talks about Ethics in/and AI

TPM ROOM A, BUILDING 31 Jaffalaan 5, Delft

Margaret Mitchell is a researcher focused on the ins and outs of machine learning and ethics-informed AI development in tech. The Human-Centred AI Systems (HCAIS) Deep Dive Series is a regular gathering hosted for and by TU Delft HCAIS community.

Zuid-Holland MKB Data Clinic Launch

Erasmus Enterprise Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam jointly launch a new project to help SME-businesses with their challenges around effective use of data and digitalization: the Zuid-Holland MKB Data Clinics.

Zuid Holland AI Hub ontvangt NL AIC & AiNed

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, Delft

De AI Hub Zuid-Holland ontvangt Kees van der Klauw, Coalitiemanager van de Nederlandse AI Coalitie (NL AIC) en

Dutch Post-CHI 2023 Event

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, Delft

Following the global spirit of meeting fellow HCI folks within a local region, this year CHI NL aims at bringing the HCI community in the Netherlands together after CHI 2023.

DynPOWER 2023

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, Delft

7th International Workshop on Dynamic Stability Challenges of the Future Power Grids

Artificial Intelligence Minors Symposium

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, Delft

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing the way we do research and the day to day operation in our

DIR 2023

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, Delft

The 21st Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval (DIR) Workshop is a forum where researchers and practitioners in Information Retrieval come together to connect, exchange ideas, and discuss the latest developments in IR and related research areas.

Machine Learning Teachers Get Together

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 29, Delft

Teachers from all faculties involved in teaching Machine Learning courses are invited to join this get together!