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Can Generative AI Generate Culture? A Panel Discussion

Erasmus University Rotterdam Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, Polak Building, Rotterdam

Join Mondai | House of AI at Erasmus for an exclusive chance to hear from experts in the field of Art, Music, Education, AI, and Culture.

HCAIS presents: Margaret Mitchell talks about Ethics in/and AI

TPM ROOM A, BUILDING 31 Jaffalaan 5, Delft

Margaret Mitchell is a researcher focused on the ins and outs of machine learning and ethics-informed AI development in tech. The Human-Centred AI Systems (HCAIS) Deep Dive Series is a regular gathering hosted for and by TU Delft HCAIS community.

Zuid-Holland MKB Data Clinic Launch

Erasmus Enterprise Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam jointly launch a new project to help SME-businesses with their challenges around effective use of data and digitalization: the Zuid-Holland MKB Data Clinics.

Zuid Holland AI Hub ontvangt NL AIC & AiNed

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

De AI Hub Zuid-Holland ontvangt Kees van der Klauw, Coalitiemanager van de Nederlandse AI Coalitie (NL AIC) en

Dutch Post-CHI 2023 Event

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

Following the global spirit of meeting fellow HCI folks within a local region, this year CHI NL aims at bringing the HCI community in the Netherlands together after CHI 2023.

DynPOWER 2023

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

7th International Workshop on Dynamic Stability Challenges of the Future Power Grids

Artificial Intelligence Minors Symposium

Mondai | House of AI - Delft Molengraaffsingel 8, Delft

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing the way we do research and the day to day operation in our