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AI Lab Lunch: DeTaiL Lab & SELF Lab

October 26, 2023 - 12:00 - 13:30

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During this Lab Lunch the DeTaiL Lab and the SELF Lab will present themselves and their latest developments!

(This event will be held in English)

DeTAIL is all about training & innovation in tensor-based AI methods for biomedical signals. Within the DeTAIL Lab, the team focuses on both the development of novel low-rank tensor methods and their application for biomedical signal processing, thereby enabling a much faster, and therefore more energy-sustainable, training of AI models from large datasets without any loss of accuracy.

The SELF Lab is the Smart Edge Lab for Healthcare. Today’s AI solutions are extremely power-hungry and are unsuitable for energy-constrained Internet-of-Things (IoT)-edge devices. Deploying AI at the edge requires new computing engines with energy efficiencies 100 to 1000 times better than current state-of-the-art technologies. The SELF Lab targets the design and development of smart edge computing engines. They demonstrate their superiority for personalized healthcare, such as early epilepsy detection (a neurological disease that manifests as a brain-wide phenomenon).

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Note for TU Delft PhDs
Per 4 seminars from the AI (-related) seminar series: Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence Systems (HCAIS) Deep Dive; and Delft AI Lab Lunches, PhD candidates from partaking TU Delft faculties can earn 0.5 GSC for up to 1.5 GSC (category: Discipline Related Skills). Check with your local Faculty Graduate School if they offer this option for earning GSC; and with your supervisors if they accept our seminars on your Doctoral Education list. If you already have form, don’t forget to bring it with you

About the Delft AI Lab Lunch series

The Delft AI Lab Lunch is a monthly meet-up hosted by the TU Delft AI Labs & Talent community at Mondai | House of AI. Every month, two Delft AI Labs present their work and discuss challenges and developments made in their field. During these events, you can participate, learn, make connections, inspire and be inspired by and with the Delft AI Labs. We invite all interested staff and students from TU Delft to join these sessions. Please contact community manager Charlotte Boelens for more information about this series or the TU Delft AI Labs & Talent Programme.

Join this series in 2023 on: 19 January with HIPPO & AI DeMoS Lab | 16 February with BIOLab & DI_Lab | 23 March with MACHINA and SLIMM Lab | 20 April with AiBLE & AiDAPT Lab | 11 May with AidroLab & XAIT Lab | 21 September with AI Futures Lab & IRIS Lab | 26 October with DeTAIL & SELF LAb | 23 November with BioMorphic Lab & SensorAI Lab | 14 December AI Lab Lunch Christmas Special

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